
Beautiful, loved, missed.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Stubborn Mr. Lincoln

It seems that our little Mr. Lincoln decided to hide yesterday when it was time for his fetal echo. He was in the tornado drill position, and it was just impossible to get a look at his heart. So instead of a fetal echo, we had a very thorough biophysical profile (a very detailed ultrasound that checks every piece and part). EVERYTHING else checks out perfectly. Mr. Lincoln had a nice strong heartbeat, but we just didn't get to see the heart. He is not nearly as active as my girls were in utero. He just seems to hang out and take it easy. My girls were always all over the place during ultrasounds. Not Lincoln.

In a little less than 3 weeks, we'll go back to attempt the fetal echo again. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to see his heart yesterday, but I am so glad to hear everything else looks great.

Please keep us in your prayers, as my back problems are worsening and I found out physical therapy isn't an option due to issues with insurance.

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