
Beautiful, loved, missed.


Friday, May 28, 2010

We have a heartbeat!!

Yesterday was my first ultrasound to see baby Merrick #4. I was a little earlier than previously thought, so my due date has been changed to 1-21-11. But there was my little one, in the right place, with one BEAUTIFUL and strong little heartbeat. It was a blessing to be able to see the heartbeat so early. I had said lots of prayers that yesterday's ultrasound would reveal that beautiful sight and ease my mind a bit. And I had a little talk with "speck" and told him/her to get that little heart going so I wouldn't have to worry for another week or two. Thankfully this one doesn't seem to be as stubborn as his/her siblings. :-)

I'll have another ultrasound on June 23rd. The doc wants to measure everything carefully due to my history, etc. I appreciate them being so thorough. I have a lot on my mind this time around, and I need lots of reassurance and prayers.

Olivia asked yesterday if the doctors knew yet if she'd be getting a brother or a sister. She wasn't very happy when we explained to her that it was way too soon to tell. It's going to be a long pregnancy, but I'm looking forward to every second of it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Wonderful News!

I am so happy to be able to announce that I am pregnant!!!!!!!! We found out on our 13th wedding anniversary (May 10th). I took one of Gabby's onesies and wrote "I'm a big sister" on it. I wrapped that up and gave it to Jason as an anniversary gift.

Just a few days before, we'd sat in a fertility specialist's office and were told we would need injectable fertility medications and an artificial insemination. The specialty pharmacy called me to set up payment and delivery time for our injectable meds. The total for the starting dose was going to be $1200 and and that did not include the ultrasounds, lab work, and the actual insemination. I knew we couldn't do it. So I told the pharmacy I wasn't going to order. Then I cried, thinking we were probably not going to be able to get pregnant or that we were in for another long journey. I was concerned about how I would hold up through another infertility struggle after already experiencing so much heartbreak. Little did I know, I was already pregnant. I was sitting in church on Mothers Day, watching the baby dedication ceremony and feeling sad that Gabby wasn't up there with the rest of those beautiful babies. I felt some strange pains and just figured we were facing another failed cycle of trying to conceive. The next day, I took a test and it was positive. Then I took another...and another...and another. I am still in shock. We've never been able to get pregnant in only 5 months! I went in for a couple of blood tests to confirm the pregnancy and make sure my HCG numbers were nice and strong. The test results have been great! Praise God!

Last night we told the girls. I was a little worried that they'd be apprehensive, but they weren't. They were squealing and jumping up and down like we'd just announced an upcoming trip to Disney World. I told them that what happened to Gabby does not usually happen and that their new baby brother or sister will probably live a long life. Of course, I couldn't promise them that (not after what we've been through), but I at least wanted to reassure them. Olivia began talking about all the things she would teach the new baby "if he/she lives long enough." It was hard to hear that phrase come out my 5-year-old's mouth, but I am thankful for the appreciation of life she now has.

When we first found out that we were expecting again, we thought about keeping it a complete secret from everyone until later on in the pregnancy. We thought we should wait until after the first doctor appt. Then we thought maybe we should wait until the 2nd trimester....or the 20 week ultrasound. We just kept thinking, "What if something happens?" I prayed about it. I weighed the pros and cons. And then I realized. After losing a child, there is really NEVER a "safe" point. Some assume after first seeing a baby's flickering heartbeat on an ultrasound screen that all will be okay. Some think that after a baby has reached the point of being able to survive outside the womb that he/she is guaranteed to be fine. And others assume that once a baby is born, all is well. For me, and anyone else who has lost a child, those assumptions no longer exist. Life is a gift that we are given from one second to the next. Nobody is guaranteed that next second. So Jason and I decided that we would share our wonderful news and be happy and excited today...right now. Sure, we don't know what tomorrow will bring. But who does? Only God.

We are so thankful for this miraculous "rainbow baby." God has blessed us in so many ways. Baby Merrick #4 is due in January 2011, and we are so anxious to meet him/her!

Gabby, you are a big sister, sweet girl!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Surgery for McKenna and Olivia

I took them both to the ENT today. They will both need to have their tonsils removed. Surgery is scheduled for the middle of June. I know this surgery is no big deal, but I'm a little worried. They both have a lot of anxiety issues. They will also have the added anxiety of knowing their baby sister had "surgery" and never came home. I think I will be the one needing the heavy meds that day. :-)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What are the odds?

While I know our odds for having another baby with Down syndrome are automatically 1:100 because we have already had a baby with DS, I wasn't sure what our odds were for having another baby with heart defects. I did some research, of course, and came across a study that listed the odds based on each of the different heart defects. According to that study, if a mother gives birth to a baby with an AV canal defect, she has a 1:33 chance of having another baby with a congenital heart defect. Other mothers have told me their pediatric cardiologists say those odds are more like 1:12. I just don't know what to think about this. The scientific part of me tells me to worry. But I know that isn't the right thing to do. God is in control. He was in control of Gabby's life from the moment she was conceived. What do I have to worry about? Why should numbers keep me up at night? If God gives us another miracle, the odds that He will take care of that child (and us) are 100:100.