On Wednesday we went for our 2nd attempt at a fetal echo of Lincoln's heart. This time, our little guy decided to let us get a good look at everything. His heart is PERFECT!!!! It took a long time for that to sink in and for me to believe it. Lincoln was fairly active during the scan, and we got to see him sucking his thumb, yawning, and sticking out his tongue. He is currently in a complete breech position, but there is still time for him to turn before delivery. I am 25 weeks along today! Lincoln's weight is excellent. He weighs almost 2 lbs. and is in the 60th percentile.
Because of my back problems and the contractions that seem to go along with the pain, I have been instructed to take it easy and limit my activities (especially driving). I was already doing this to some degree, but I have to be more careful. Because of my history of low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios) with Gabby (causing her to be delivered at 36 weeks and maybe contributing to her lung issues), I will be having regular ultrasounds throughout the rest of the pregnancy to check fluid levels.
We are thrilled and so thankful for Lincoln's heart being free from defects. What an answer to so many prayers!
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