McKenna finished 3rd grade and received 4 awards (reading, creative writing, social studies, and the principal's award). She had the highest score in her class (or possibly 3rd grade) on end-of-the-year assessment testing, even though she is the youngest in her grade. McKenna had to overcome a lot this past year, and she has a long way to go. Every day brings many challenges for her and for Jason and I as we parent her, but she is a beautiful, intelligent, hard-working little girl. She is amazing!
Olivia graduated from kindergarten with 3 awards (reading, music, and the principal's award). She is doing VERY well in school. She went to 1st grade this past year for reading, and from what we've heard, she will most likely be in a 1st/2nd grade split class next year.
Mr. Lincoln is growing well. He'll be going back to the cardiologist some time next month to check on his ASD. We're praying for good news.
The girls are so in love with Lincoln. They STILL fight over who gets to hold him or help with his bottles. McKenna has made a few comments that make me think she has a greater appreciation for Lincoln because of losing Gabby. She seems to have a very special bond with Lincoln, and that is very unique for McKenna. One of her favorite things to do is "babysit" by sitting on my bed with Lincoln. She gets so excited about it and will just sit there for 30 minutes or longer, "playing" with Lincoln. He is thrilled by it, and McKenna is too. They are quite a pair! It is so sweet to see the girls enjoying their baby brother so much. They sometimes tell him stories about Gabby, and that warms my heart.
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